Our Mission
Be The Village DMV supports working mommies by helping to close the maternity leave gap often experienced in the United States. Every mom and infant deserves adequate time together without the stress of returning to work too soon. Today, women are often either the primary financial provider or contribute significant financial support to their households. We believe that by alleviating some of the stressors that come along with the increased responsibility of mothering infants and getting back to work, we are helping to support the mental and emotional well being of new moms, ultimately developing stronger mommies and well-nurtured babies.
Our Goal for 2021
In 2021 we will support the paid maternity leave for a minimum of 10 moms living in the Washington DC metropolitan area (DMV). Our ongoing hope is that we can help make paid maternity leave a priority in America, just as it is in most of the developed world. Please help us and become a part of our village of support these mommies deserve.
Maternity Leave Across the Globe
The United States is ranked LAST in providing maternity leave support for working mothers